Ooddles Woof Blog

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

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If you were wondering whether you can feed banana to your dog, the answer is yes you can.


Bananas are high in potassium, fibre and magnesium; they provide vitamin B6 and vitamin C. One banana will provide approximately 105 calories; therefore, providing a nutritious treat for your dog.


As with most foods, giving your dog too much could cause problems.  Bananas have a high sugar content as well as some beneficial nutrients and as such should only be given as an occasional treat and not used to replace a meal.  Suggestion is that a large dog could eat half a banana a day and smaller dogs two to three pieces per day.


You could simply chop up into pieces and add to the dog food as a topper, or use as a treat for your dog.  There are recipies for dog friendly treats and biscuits using bananas on-line too.


Banana peel, although edible is hard to digest and bitter to taste which could make your dog sick.  However, it could be blended and given to your dog to eat or indeed baked to make it more pleasant to eat.  The skin should be washed thoroughly, and the stalk removed.  


Some dogs will not like bananas, but if you would like to try this fruit it should be introduced in small quantities initially, to avoid upset tummies.

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